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y bitter chagrin. I tried to hide it from him by taking the papers and looking them over. "Oh dear, I've forgotten something," he exclai .

"And I will not disturb him," said the old doctor. "Rest like that must be good." He followed Salis into the dining-room, where he sat d .

d as between two incognito scions of noble lineage. Each enjoyed the meeting, each had vividness enough of imagination to impart to it t .

lp me to forget," but he did not dream of what would happen before the morrow came to an end. CHAPTER XIII DEGRADATION "I hope you don't .

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as nearly dusk by the time we had finished it; and lest some one should by chance come in and see what we had been about, we hid it away .

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who had suggested the name of Olive Castlemaine. "That's all right," said Mr. Castlemaine. "He's just the fellow. So you will invite no .

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that you must have suffered heavily. It has been a terrible affliction to both Mary and me, for we felt with you; but for Heaven's sake, .

Another important bearing tillage has on plant-growth may here be discussed. A problem of considerable difficulty is presented in the q .

ilent before the portrait. Suddenly she remembered herself. "Luncheon must be ready." Ruby came in for luncheon and made amusing talk. S .

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