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ill be obvious to the reader. V THE BASKET IN THE BOUNDARY ROAD The doctors will tell you sometimes that motoring is good for the nerves .

i che al governatore si presentasse un'occasione per mostrarsi men duro del consueto, perciò comparso a tempo fra i baroni, acquetò og .

Nay, nay, nay; not yet, not yet, not yet, doctor!" "Ah, well, I'm glad I do you good, Moredock; but I think you might have lent me that .

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to all the details of the plan, trying to foresee all that might happen; and then I remembered the story which Gunter, my pal in the fly .

utstripped in civilisation by those peopled by the Anglo-Saxon race. CHAPTER SIX. ATTEMPT TO CROSS A DESERT--THE DISASTERS WE ENCOUNTERE .

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owards the tower, when I saw, to my no little dismay, that he was an enormous black bear. He had probably, I thought, scented us out; an .

E il signore di Perugia, dopo essersi scansato qualche poco, quando udì che il pontefice era irrevocabile nella volontà sua, e cominc .

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yet the stiff and starched gentleman could tell me the news just as coolly as though he had said, "My master has gone across the street .

e said, "to take notice of such a letter as that. I can't do it." He threw himself into a chair, and sat till his candle went out, think .

in the men had damaged one of the planes slightly in getting her out of the hangar. Only a simple matter involving renewal of a couple o .

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enables him to enjoy his own discomfiture. Blessed with this sense, he is never unduly elated or cast down. No one can ruffle his tempe .

Purvis, whom I played the golf with, they did not look either poor or tired. But perhaps they know you--they spoke as though they did." .

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contrary; yet probably no other man ever lived who exercised a more magnetic and potent influence over women. Even when he had become g .

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