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orld, I hate a liar most!" "And where were you at the time?" "Standing outside the garage." "What were you doing there?" "Nothing." "Not .

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ly suffering from the _surumpe_, a common complaint in those regions. "I ought to have guarded you against it," he said. "Strangers unac .

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as of a broken heart, I suppose; for there was nothing the matter with him that I could see. Poor fellow, I have seen many a shipmate st .

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e. --Qual caparra volete? --Giacchè hai compulsata la cassa, lascia in pace la contessa, e fa in modo che nessuno di costoro attenti al .

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oco la furia delle sue smanie e delle sue querele. --Mi rincresce però, ch'io non fui mai così impacciato come in quest'occasione, tan .

hem at the station and drove with them to the town house. Morson opened the front door and ran down the steps with a blank face and a br .

estive tone. But I only laughed. "I wish you would send one of them to get me something to eat." "I will, of course;" and he looked out .

Berens." "Oh, Mr Salis!" faltered the lady. "And I really was ashamed of my surplice on Sunday. Mary here patched and darned all she cou .

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