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she shan't have the chest." "Then I'll set Tom Candlish to talk to her again, and then you'll leave it to me." "Nay, you won't, doctor. .

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cannot escape. As for her----" He sat back in the railway carriage, and apparently fell into deep thought. To the casual observer he se .

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most striking results may follow the application of moderate dressings of chalk. The absence of the nitrifying organisms in certain soi .

were bare, and not a particle of furniture had been left; for the Indians had carried off from the village everything that had escaped t .

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ce that they have to do with the physical properties as well as the chemical composition of the soil. This furnishes a further reason fo .

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ooding over this idea. The doctor went on in his low, swift tones. "You have the hunger and the thirst for that work over there. You wou .

eply. "Can I have been in the army there?" I asked, looking blankly at him. He smiled and then nodded. "Yes, you are a deserter. Your re .

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nd Ammonia._ In addition to oxygen and nitrogen, the air contains other gases which are absorbed by the soil. Of these, carbonic acid is .

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