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e till I have concealed this poor fellow; and remember, children, do none of you on any account speak of what has occurred. Now, my frie .

are not going to allow that to wreck your life," he went on. "You are young--and--and you know how beautiful you are. Besides, I love y .

uld almost reach them with our spears; and so crowded together were they, that they impeded each other's movements. This gave us a great .

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Why then?" "Because I shall then have seen the lady of whom you have told me such wondrous things. I mean to be introduced to her, to ta .

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an end at length, and the people cheered heartily. His speech was a strong vindication of his own policy, and a stronger condemnation of .

and arrangements had been made for the two to meet that morning at a station three miles from The Beeches, which happened to be on the l .

half of the conversation he had overheard. "It is of no consequence at all. My people will put it right in a few minutes," he declared, .

er was taking his blow. He would rather have seen him give way to grief, or make threats of vengeance. A few minutes later they met in t .

tley Salis' note was very brief, but none the less urgent, containing as it did these words: "For Heaven's sake, come on! Leo has had a .

o ebbe a lodarsi della sorte più che di se stesso; ma l'aver saputo tener conto della lezione della sua stessa sventura, e l'aver ricup .

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