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d angrily at a fold of the old man's trousers. "And Doctor North's a fool!" "Nay! nay! nay! Doctor's a very clever man, Dally." "He isn' .

eved he had succeeded in an evil thing--such a laugh as Mephistopheles uttered when he watched the ruin of Faust and Marguerite. For hou .

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t was baffled. She was sure he was not such a little man as to pride himself upon breaking away from recognised rules of life simply for .

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a woman can be lost to all that is due to herself, leave alone to those she is supposed to love!" There was an inexpressible bitterness .

sed, when he turned his head and caught sight of the handkerchief I was waving in my hand. He spurred on towards us. To spring from his .

y Miss Caldicott must go on to-night and must not be allowed to return. The whole of my work in London would be utterly ruined if she an .

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n a man do against fate? The Arabians have got hold of a great truth: Kismet. Is not all philosophy centred in that?" "No," she said, "I .

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ared to stand by his words. As for the others, they yielded more and more to his stronger personality. "No," said Sprague presently, "it .

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leek-looking personage, about to descend from the chaise; while, as Mrs Milt went to open the door, Horace North exclaimed to himself: " .

his glass. Presently, when discussing politics, someone remarked on the amount of self-sacrifice which had been practised by Members of .

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