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nasty accident before--a fall. Some people do have accidents of that sort." "Well," said the Duke's Hampton policeman, "we've done our .

colla destra cascante, e la testa china, aveva tutta l'apparenza di un uomo che fosse sprofondato in un pensiero unico; ma realmente, p .

to non gli lasciasse aver tregua il desiderio di riveder sua madre, non voleva por però da canto quanto si riferiva al maggior vantaggi .

d itself despite the distance. Lund showed at the far rail of the schooner with his bar. He glanced toward the men going to work, went b .

" you say, "we are told that Samuel Johnson, Tennyson and Macaulay, and many other great thinkers, usually monopolized the conversation .

inner; "in fact, all of us have wondered where you have been." "Ah, Signor Sprague, where could one go in England, except to London? I h .

oil of excitement by the exploits of a horse-thief. As we sat around the tavern hearth, after supper, we heard the particulars of the ro softball tryout evaluation form e chi non lo sa... credo infatti non abbiate più di ventitrè anni, è una gran bell'età, vedete!... La Ginevra si faceva sempre più .

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had better not. It irritates him. Old Moredock came last night about some trifling ailment, and poor master was quite angry about it. Th .

"Oh well, it doesn't matter," put her off her guard and her relief was shown in her change of look. "Can I give them any message, sir?" .

lare a molti, e pel quale dicevasi ch'esso stava per tentare un gran colpo, erano cose assai forti per eccitare la simpatia e l'entusias .

should catch the glimmer of my eye. Then he again advanced quicker than before. He soon came so close to me that I felt almost certain .

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irvi qualche parola. --Dobbiamo entrare prima dalia duchessa, gli rispose il Morone con insolita severità d'atto e d'accento. --No, è .

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