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l portion of the plant. While a portion of the plant's substance which, up to Liebig's time, had obtained little notice, it has, since t .

eadily to send for Lydia. It seemed to him a long time before she came. He stood staring out of the window, stray sentences leaping up i .

sir. Let me get my thoughts in order again. You've taken me considerably by surprise." I paused a few seconds and then told him exactly .

loak from a neighboring chair and laid it over her, tucking it in about her shoulders. He was afraid the movement might have waked her, .

ss Thorne did not come to life, until in unhooking her dress Evans touched her with cold fingers. Then she started, exclaiming: "What is .

e fined as a criminal. She still did not conceive it a possibility that she could be sent to prison. "I can think of lots of ways in whi .

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nne e recarsi nella camera da letto. Quando infatti non trovò più con che protrarre la veglia. --L'ora è ben tarda, disse, e se tutto .

ways flake, fluke, fluke!" "Anchor flukes take fast hold of the ground, Tom," said the squire, with a sneering laugh. "Yes, and of the m .

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inò, che negli istanti medesimi in cui, per versar fuori quella rabbia affannosa che lo tormentava, sentiva come un bisogno d'incrudeli .

ts?" "Nay; I never see no ghosts. I only see what I did see; but how's young miss up yonder?" Horace North's brow wrinkled, and his voic .

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ng. Here was a girl who would demand certain standards in the man with whom she would mate, not merely accompany through life. There wer .

vano ascoltando, misero quella sensazione profonda che a tutta prima, più che collo scoppio dell'applauso, si manifesta col mormorio de .

to shape again. As the "staff"--the gawky lad and the decrepit old man--were present, it was difficult to say much to her, but I managed .

Repeated experiments have demonstrated the fact, that placing bees on the ground, or high in the air, is no security against the moths. .

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