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both women were frightened at the prospect of O'Bannon's attempting, without backing, to build up a law practice in New York. Both dread .

iron club, and placed his ball within two yards of the hole. "Why, that is magnificent," remarked Ricordo. "That is where skill comes in .

i me. Io non avrei fatto così. --Ma e tu, rispondeva allora la Ginevra con un impeto nel quale assai chiaramente sentivasi la mestizia .

n unison with the sharp trot of the well-shaped hoofs. "An uncommonly pretty little turn-out, old fellow," said the doctor, as he sat in .

om them I saw a party of fruit-sellers crossing the desert, with several mules laden with fruit. I purchased some, as also some bread an .

ardi strettisi in consiglio, determinarono di spedire con tutta sollecitudine un avviso al Morone, confidando, avrebbe trovato il modo d .

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st. We reached a collection of ruined walls, composed of huge masses of rock. "On this spot," said the Indian, bending reverentially tow .

' he that ded conquer the devil, but the devil conquered he. Ah well, the poor thing es ded now ef 'twas 'ee; 'tes a sad pity." "And do .

out some dynamite on purpose." "We ought to have brought a steam-shovel along," said Rainey. He was hard as iron, but he had served a to .

ess too." "Yes, admirable!" cried Leo. "And now you can keep him always for the chaise. It will be so much better." The curate shook his .

ce that he did not want him, and the young man did not know why. Here is a young woman who is fine looking, intelligent and accomplished .

moreover, she wanted to accede to his wishes. Not because her heart felt any warmer towards him, but because she thought of him as a fri .

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condition to judge what was best for him; at another he concluded that he was; and that, after all, it was a strange thing that a man co .

a desire on the part of a visitor to know what it was, till his or her eye rested upon the occupant of the tall armed Windsor chair, in .

path which led up the mountain, till they disappeared in a dark gorge which opened before them. "You will have a long ride if you do not .

e always put on his magnifying glasses when he ate cherries, in order to make them seem larger, had the true philosophy of life. So the .

ter questioningly, and wondered what he was thinking about. He reflected that he was not a man from whom one could easily obtain confide .

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