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star calmo: così entrarono. La duchessa Elena stava in mezzo alle sue donne, che attendevano ad abbigliarla. Si vedeva un velo bianco .

is perplexed look deepening. "You see, there are so many poor." "Who would rise up in revolt if you were to leave." "Yes, I suppose so, .

aordinary, isn't it?" she said. This might be interpreted in a number of ways. "Yes, it is," he said, exactly matching her tone. She tri .

dia had stood by defiantly, glancing from one to the other, with a hand in the collar of each of her dogs, her face pale, her jaw set, h .

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thers I am just as sure that I don't. He is the candidate who has been elected to fight Sir Charles Trefry, and father feels sure that h .

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e. "Will they dare to break in?" he said to himself, as his face wore a look of bitter scorn and contempt. Just then Mrs Milt's voice co .

ents were knocked down, and the water in a vast torrent rushed towards the town, flooding the entrenchments and shaking the walls. They, .

s quite true. One minute he was sympathetic and kind, and the next laughing at and bantering me in a strange tone." "You must be mistake .

t something approaching gratitude: "No, no," she exclaimed; "it is impossible." "I have spoken hastily. I have taken you by surprise," h .

ificiality, less veneer. The nearer to real life you get, the nearer to hell. And yet I don't know; the same fires burn in the west, alt .

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iless depredations of the moth. They are sometimes robbed by their adjoining hives, and then the moths finish or destroy what is left. S .

ale, la Ghiarra d'Adda al Lampugnano: terre che rendono pan d'oro e fiorini a staia... e so cosa dico! --Manco roba, manco affanni, dice .

y dearly, but scarcely to any one else. Several years ago the _Christian Union_ related this incident: The social occasion was a dinner. .

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