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o 'ee, ef we doan't conquer the devil, 'ee'll conquer we. You be'ant offended, be 'ee, sur?" "Offended? Certainly not." He tried to laug .

Ma la sua voce non era abbastanza forte, nè acuta per farsi udire in quel generale frastuono. E tutti coloro che assolutamente avevan .

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been trying to think what I shall do with my life." "Yes?" said John Castlemaine eagerly. "Yes. We cannot live here for ever idly; at le .

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' him round, too, though he don't deserve it. Want to make yore inspection? We're in no hurry to git away until the ice melts. Take yore .

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Have you not saved my life?" "Let me be more than friend," he exclaimed; and a curious look came into her eyes, as he went on pouring fo .

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peculiar aphasia. So I just smiled vacantly and shook my head. "Will you read it to me?" I asked. He agreed after some little demur, and .

look at a tree which seemed to bear a great variety of leaves. On examination, I discovered it to be a _mora_, round the stem of which c .

ound to be safe and unfailing in their application, though liable to exceptions, such as are incident to all specific rules. SUPPLEMENTA .

t wait till to-morrow. I can't bear suspense." "I've nothing to say to you, so it's no use your coming in." "But I'm in already, Anna, a .

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