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[31] Some recent experiments by Dyer and Smetham would seem to show that comparatively small quantities of ammonia in the air prove act .

ropose to her. Didn't you see his eyes? And you know what a fellow he is. When once he sets his mind upon a thing he'll go straight on. .

hained two and two, and each couple guarded by a soldier with his musket presented at their heads. I watched them file out with aching e .

ded like that of a cuckoo over a caterpillar feast, he turned aside, mounted the stairs, and seated himself in the pulpit, where he made .

r to which he clung, invented a game of clapping of hands, and was rewarded by a toothless smile and a long complicated gurgle of deligh .

l Palavicino era nelle sue mani; chi gli avrebbe detto allora, che sarebbe costretto a rimandarlo libero ed illeso? E si volse allora a .

; and it isn't often I set foot on shore, so that what good there is in me I picked up afloat." "Then how comes it, Ned Gale, that you g .

d when Madame sent for me to her private sitting-room that night, I guessed immediately that something was up, and that I was about to l military power of attorney form the date we agreed, but I dare say I could get that altered to allow us a margin of a day or two, perhaps a week; but then this wedding .

k out again. I must do my work thoroughly." "But your drives over here--your bill will be monstrous." "Large, but not monstrous, my dear .

gged away from their homes, to undergo more suffering on their road to their place of trial than they would deserve even if proved guilt .

hion or costliness of material. No man was ever induced to propose to a girl by the splendor of her costume. Of course it would be absur .

ghteen, twenty-one, and thirty years old was respectively .151, .174, .204, and .241 per cent. In the last two analyses we have a record .

rush the Indians made towards the door, I thought that they had succeeded in entering at the same time, and I expected to hear the sound .

s quickly. But I kept her steady, though the great cars began to go by like roaring locomotives on a down incline, and really she was do .

be taken from her and put into a state institution. She was maternal--primitively maternal--and her real punishment was not imprisonmen .

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gate-bell that night from five minutes to twelve till ha'-past afore I heard it. Many a night-watchman gets a name for going to sleep w .

you accept my offer? Look here, if I am rejected I give a hundred pounds to--what shall we say--Guy's Hospital? While if I am accepted y .

nd Salis had always been the most intimate of friends--almost brothers--and they would be quite brothers in the future; but he could not .

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