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lves, but the minute the door was shut upon them a funny change came over Lydia. She grew absent and tense, and at last she sprang up an .

nd in spots which we might be inclined to think extremely unlikely, is shown by some recent interesting researches carried out by Müntz .

certainly do not wish it," I said; "though I think we might manage to escape in the confusion; but I thought of it, as it was exactly i .

they do--why, you're broken, no good to anyone." She asked Eleanor to come and spend August with her, but Eleanor refused, saying, what .

t to work and put that farm through a course of improvement it would have done your eyes good to see. The children were sent to school, .

ay, though, seriously, dear, you don't think he cares for Mrs Berens?" "Oh, no, Hartley," said Mary, with a confident smile. "I am sure .

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ropes about two feet and a half from the ground. A circular space was thus formed, of perhaps a mile and a half in circumference, an op .

little puffy. Curious fall that of Tom Candlish. Looked more like having been in another prize-fight. Let me see your knuckles." "No; th .

a reputation as a scholar and a debater, but he became notorious pretty much on the same lines that Shelley became notorious. He became .

fatto; le aveva quel di repetute, non si può calcolare quante centinaia di volte. E anche in questo momento che continuavano i tocchi d .

rs he tramped the heathery moors; he seemed to rejoice in the silence of the night, in the loneliness of the region. "To-morrow night," .

the sad spectacle we should there have to witness. There was no road, and the ground was very uneven; but the men and animals seemed ac .

ng. Here was a girl who would demand certain standards in the man with whom she would mate, not merely accompany through life. There wer .

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The scene was too painful for her, poor girl, and she went out so as to be away." "Oh!" said North quietly; and then to himself: "I can' .

zza procedeva innanzi per quella vasta pianura, sempre più cresceva quel non so che di pesante caldura, quel fetore, quella nausea inso .

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