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Ricordo had faded away. As Leicester had said, there was no Signor Ricordo--there never had been such a person. "I must needs speak of .

egan to grow uneasy at confinement. We also were anxious to obtain information as to the state of affairs. It was just possible that, as .

a fermarsi a lungo; fermandovisi a lungo, cominciò a capire essere al tutto disdicevole il continuare in quella colpevol pratica. Fina .

half dead from funk and want of breath, shamming unconsciousness. Then I sat on him, shoved the sofa cushion over his face lest he shou .

'll help me make him, won't you, gran'fa?" "Ay, that I will, my pretty. That's the way. Don't you be beat." "I won't; and I won't have h .

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ga nella sua dura e superba solitudine il padre, la fanciulla verrà con me, con me e con voi. Ce ne andremo insieme una volta, e per se .

"I'll look at it closer," he said. "It'll be fun to stand and watch the dirty stuff sweep on to the sea." He went down the granite steps .

was not liable to fear, but dimly aware that his was a stronger nature than her own. This means either love or hate. There had been a fe .

f her struck Rainey to the quick. "Quick, let me see." "Wounded, hell!" laughed Lund. "D'ye think that popgun of yores c'ud stop me? The .

o una lunga pausa: --`E da più ore, caro Elia, e gli sporgeva la mano per stringere la sua, che io sto affannandomi in cerca di un filo .

ess had unhinged his mind. He scarcely knew what he was saying, the ground seemed to be dug from under his feet. "I wondered whether you .

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cceed." "And I will," he said firmly, after a pause. The scene which followed was weird and horrible, had there been an onlooker; to Nor .

llentissimo signor duca non ce ne dà una manata, (che le promesse non bastano, ed ha un bel gridare il prete che ci comanda) puoi stare .

d the arc of a circle, there was a sounding rap, half an oath-- barely that--and the big ruffian fell all in a heap upon the floor. For .

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fashions and of every gay-coloured hue imaginable--the women with wreaths of flowers round their heads, and necklaces of coral and beads .

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