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Leo's heart sank. She felt that she knew, and shrank from the ordeal, as Dally meekly opened the breakfast-room door. "Please, sir, gran .

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. But I speak your language well, don't I?" "I--I can't believe it!" stammered Winfield. "Yes, you can. Why"--and he moved his shoulders .

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icked perhaps, but so clever that he always got into good things. The conclusion came shortly. For the last six months Ellwell had manag .

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, Winfield, I'm going to send this by hand." "Wait until to-morrow." "No; to-morrow is an eternity. I must send it now. Great God! you d .

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ll the respect due to my uniform; put me at ease by expressing a regret that he had never had the pleasure of seeing me before, although .

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e direction from which it was coming. Hiding behind a tree, I stood ready to fire, in the hopes of killing one of the leaders, and havin .

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