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reposed, and rapidly turned the screws, leaving each standing up in its hole, and then lifted off the lid, to disclose some yellow linin .

night went on, reports were afloat to the effect that Miss Castlemaine was not ill at all, but that it was a report which originated wi .

average being .3278 per cent. The Rothamsted soils, it may be pointed out, are probably poor in nitrogen compared with most soils. A. MÃ .

nd better, but the chinks in the larger subject are filled in wonderfully by a familiar interpolation of the smaller things in a chatty .

shone upon the other. The Reverend Maurice May's pathetic voice rose and sank through the rest of the service to the time when the coff .

to several little matters in connection with his interview. "The fact is," he had said to himself, "my imagination is too active, and I .

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inter months contains most nitrates, not because nitrification is most active then, but because the rainfall is greatest, and a large pr .

three when the real business began, and a pretty frightening business, as my sequel will show. First it began with the sweepers, who sw .

siderable portion of the defile, and the rear were about to enter it when we reached a spot more difficult and narrow than any we had ye .

va l'alta loro condizione; ma non era voce che sorgesse fra tutte quelle persone. Gli uomini, chiusa la bocca nei mantelli, tenevan la t .

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Da una tavola di tartaruga a fini ed eleganti intarsi egli prende di tratto in tratto a leggicchiare taluno dei molti libri che vi stann .

e term, "personal magnetism." The personal elements which are most conducive to our influence over others are, in a broad way: good mann .

wn?" "Oh, yes; the police have it in hand by this time; but they know nothing about that ring. We sent two men to the place who are susp .

une parole, che tosto tramutò in quest'altre: --Ma da chi avete saputo tutto questo, illustrissimo? Ma chi v'ha detto ch'ella sia a mal .

e outlook of mankind, and led directly to the development of the physical and biological sciences by which the modern world has been tra .

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