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s decomposition of carbonic acid is best effected in the dark, since light is prejudicial to nitrification. [110] See Appendix, Note II. .

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n almost all other respects, are considerate in their use of English. Persons are called awfully good, awfully bad, awfully clever, awfu .

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Nay more, she knew that although her fear for him had not left her, she could never marry the honest young Devonshire squire. Whether sh .

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ther world," he whispered into the ear of the _corregidor_. The unhappy man saw that indeed there was no hope for him, but still he clun .

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ner in the great Tripoli trading company, eh?" and he bowed to the other ceremoniously. "I am acting my part still. Presently I will cha .

t with an honest man. But I have met with those who are called honest, and----" The girl looked at him steadily. She was not sure whethe .

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