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s completely from sight as though he had been in the tool-box. For my part, remembering the old adage about "In for a penny in for a pou .

a lack of proper deference to the feelings of others, an arrogant and unsympathetic tone of voice, and sometimes yields, under oppositio .

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ant, is it? Sure I'll see to it; but I must dry my eyes first and get sober." She kissed Nessa again and almost kissed me also in her jo .

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ried Leo. "Dangerous? surely not," said the doctor. "Have tried her yourself, of course?" "Well, no," replied the curate. "I have been s .

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ed nervous and anxious, and kept glancing from one to the other, went to the head of the table, and began to make the tea. "You and I mu .

continuity of interest that kept her calm and equable. Usually when she woke in the softest of beds and lifted her cheek from the smooth .

most hall bedrooms. The bed had a white cover; so had the table; and the window, though barred, was large. But this made no impression o .

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