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perbole, and in many "weeds of speech" which should be pulled up promptly and cast aside. A great many boys and girls, and even some old jamaican passport form I'll have a fine peroration on the evils of drink; I'll picture a hundred and fifty thousand poor devils staggering down to drunkards' .

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into his life; everything had changed. He was no longer a ship upon life's sea, he was a man who loved, and was loved. True, Olive had n .

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his own spanner. We finished the job in about half an hour, and the Renault started up at once. Moss hadn't spoken of Miss Dolly while w .

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he mare, one rein having given way at the buckle hole, and a pull at the other being so much madness. They had come along for quite a mi .

ants on an ant-hill; but in the East, amidst the great silences--no, a man must believe in God there. The sun by day, and the moon and .

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ing's Hampton in the hope of being cured, and then let him go back without seeing him." "Yes, Mrs Milt; go on," said the curate eagerly. .

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is, and is never satisfied. What will he say if he hears of my smoking, and pottering about with a fishing-rod?" "Tell May to mind his .

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