indirect speech examples

hat day the normal income to the Misses Ellwell's bankers, but he gave the stock-broker to understand that was the end. Any further prot indirect speech examples mo di qui; fuggiamo da questa gente! Ma in quella un francese, accostandosi allo sportello: --Signora, disse alla Ginevra, possiamo noi .

footmen's faces peering in and everyone chattering and shouting and so little apparently accomplished in the way of clearing the crowd- .

hullabaloo was about, a fellow told me that Lord Crossborough had come up from the country suddenly, and was "a-keeping of his jubilee" .

e old housekeeper's hand being visible on every side. "Poor old woman!" muttered the doctor. "As if she felt sure that I should not be i .

hite aprons, all pushing and shouting, and swearing that the area gate was locked and bolted, and the kitchen in no fit state to serve s .

a Lombardia. Il Palavicino, il conte Mandello, il conte Birago, il Crivello, il Ferreri ed altri si sparpagliarono infatti tra 'l popolo .

st six substances--those marked in italics--are absolutely necessary to plant-growth. In addition to these six ash constituents, the pla .

ave a short laugh. It pleased her as a sign that the routine in her case was palpably ridiculous--to take away her things as if they wer .

trify, by simply seeding them with a nitrifying substance, and that light was unfavourable to the process. Since then the question has f indirect speech examples eft the room. "At last!" he murmured under his breath. Then he wrapped it up and handed it to me. "You see how I trust you, my boy. I kn .

di volta nella camera, lentamente e col capo basso, si fermò poi e piantossi in faccia all'Elia: --E sareste voi quell'uomo? --Io prest .

recata l'ingrata notizia, poi fermatosi di colpo, e spezzato della propria mano un vaso ch'era sulla gran tavola, volgersi con gran disp .

y rather not." "But you must listen, Lydia. Help me. I don't know what I ought to do. I have it in my power to ruin that man. Shall I?" .

but by one means or another I must have the confession to take to von Gratzen that afternoon. Everything now turned on getting it into .

iples. Her son had first noticed that trait when she sent him away to boarding school. His mother--his father had died when he was seven .

wing the arrival and departure of the Japanese gunboat, they attacked the little U-shaped beach that lay between two buttresses of the v .

iss Castlemaine is. She is not the kind of woman to be carried away by a handsome presence and clever speeches. It isn't as though this .

n such hives as have had their combs broken by frost or otherwise, so as to cause the honey to drip down upon the bottom board. Much car indirect speech examples with which both Olive and her father were associated. All dark clouds seemed to have lifted. In less than twelve hours from that time he .

non ti valesse più che tanto, sai dov'è il mio palazzo. Bada dunque che costoro si ritraggono presto, e lascino in pace la vecchia. Ci .

ntanatosi da Roma, dove in sè stesso aveva esibita la prova del quanto la condizione prospera di un paese che degenera in mollezza, inf .

now do you?" She screwed her lips up to the kissing point with this, and looked at me so tenderly that I began to feel nervous--upon my .

, my pretty." "Then I'll tell you what I came to say." "Wasn't it for money, then?" "Money? No. A girl with a face like mine don't want .

and another set of actors put on." "Only in politics the actors don't make money." "No," said Leicester quietly, "they don't, at least .

grooms speech examples
groom speech examples