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anxiety. She was hardly aware of Miss Bennett waiting for her in the matron's room--hardly aware of the matron herself, imperturbable a .

a reception at the hands of the police, some soldiers and other gapers, all of whom very naturally mistook me for a German officer. I wa .

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Good manners are made up of petty sacrifices. EMERSON. * * * * * Pride of origin, whether high or low, springs from the same principle .

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I'm tempted to do wrong, to think of Christ do 'elp me. Whenever I d' 'ave bad, wicked thoughts, I d' jist think of Him, and they do go, .

few bones as the doctors wanted, and as would ha' rotted in the ground if they'd been left. Do good, too. Them as they b'longed to's gla .

gave rise to. I was at the bottom of the stairs at the time, and I could hear the women crying out to each other, and the men asking wha .

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l. Can't you imagine just what happened, and see the irony of it all? Depict a great open chasm between the hills, little copses of pine .

ged him to persuade the chiefs not to be over-confident. We kept along the ridge of the height forming the side of the valley without de .

s if I were her enemy--and then in the first second she confessed to the district attorney." "Oh, well, that's his profession." She seem .

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