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r mine, in working which many of the inhabitants of the village were employed. My father's house had, I believe, advanced money to the o .

nciava, per allora, a diventare irragionevole. Però sebbene gli pesasse molto di dover comandare la ritratta, considerando quanto sareb .

s had never done a piece of useful work was sentenced to not less than three or more than seven years of hard labor. What would that be- .

we should find water and halt to breakfast. The sun, which rose in a cloudless sky on our right, showed that we were proceeding in the .

tably, with his back in the corner, and went on muttering and chuckling. "Brandy's nothing to it," he went on--"tasted many a good drop .

lamp, and spat on it. Then he went to the woman and shook her. "Cum on, Mord," he said. "Weer?" said the woman sleepily. "Daan ter ole .

contrade. Del resto le finestre e le porte, chiuse in gran parte, erano indizio che le case, come quei castelli deserti per timore dei n .

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siderable portion of the defile, and the rear were about to enter it when we reached a spot more difficult and narrow than any we had ye .

ffati che può fare un galantuomo il quale si corichi subito dopo una scorpacciata d'ostriche e d'anguille marinate. Però il conte Gale .

g for some brandy." "You mean for the undertaker," said Salis coolly. "No; the brandy," snarled Tom Candlish. "I'm sick and faint." "And .

e separated, we ran as fast as we could across the square, guided by the sailor, who had taken the bearings of some lights he told us to .

ttered a gasp of mingled shame and anger, and staggered back against a tree, leaving her brother face to face with Tom Candlish of the H .

curante della vita, ma la cattiva condizione della città sua, le parole che in quel giorno aveagli detto il Morone, alla cui straordina .

'occasione sarebbe buona per cominciare a far qualche cosa, ed io sarei di avviso, Manfredo, che tu oggi stesso ti dessi a conoscere a t .

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o tell you something. I want to remove all haunting fear from your mind. Naturally you loathe my presence--as you said long ago; natural .

e se la fortuna è seconda, si farà il resto; ma ora ti conviene rimboccarti le maniche del sajo, Omobono, che se mi sbagli una nota, .

llowed by the well-wishes of our host, towards the only outlet to the village. Several houses were in flames, and more than one apparent .

utstripped in civilisation by those peopled by the Anglo-Saxon race. CHAPTER SIX. ATTEMPT TO CROSS A DESERT--THE DISASTERS WE ENCOUNTERE .

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to da quella sensazione particolare che mette nell'uomo la solitudine prolungata. Passando a volo di roccia in roccia, pareva quasi fugg .

he open door of the adjoining bedroom brought my heart up into my mouth, as if I'd come on an air pocket a thousand feet deep. She was l .

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