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owers by word and action to the assault. If one fell, his place was instantly supplied by another, till the battering-ram reached the ga .

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ve a certain duty to perform in connection with my two sisters--a sort of paternal role to play, and consequently I am rather afraid of .

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arata, a large town not far from the lake of Titicaca; and he begged me to accompany him. I was sorry to be separated from Ned Gale, but .

Henry Rexton, had been a soldier in his youth; but when he married my mother, who was the daughter of an eminent British merchant, he qu .

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to save her. She knew with what a perfect surface of honesty such things could be done; how a district attorney, while from the public's .

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ilence, and then on the dim staircase there was a musical purring noise, followed by the pleasant chimes of a clock, which rang out the .

got up. "If this weren't your own place, I'd cram that word down your throat; and the next time we meet, wherever it is, I'll do it," I .

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