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danno di sè e degli altri. S'io vedessi il conte mio padrone a colloquio col diavolo, non mi stupirei punto; direi soltanto: questa vol .

o readiness to set the example, none of the others would obey him, declaring that they would rather be shot at once than venture again a .

it was night. Her little, rosy face was a study, and her dark eyes glistened like those of an eager rat. She had well calculated her tim .

not one-half the might of gentleness." * * * * * Manner is of importance. A kind no is often more agreeable than a rough yes. BENGEL. * .

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a pace or two and I stepped in front of the archway, swung the bludgeon over my head and swore that I'd brain the first person, man or w .

ce, followed by a short letter that her school friend was dead, and that she feared she would not be allowed to remain in the house. A m .

--I can't bear the thought of leaving you." "It's because I do love you with all my heart that I wish you to go. It's the only way in wh .

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do, as he saw Winfield hesitate for a word. "Exactly. Well, he did win her. The day of the wedding was arranged. Meanwhile, Sprague and .

id examination; no easy task, for she was throwing herself about wildly, and one hand struck the lamp shade and tore it away. "That will .

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will ever do if he can get another to take the job on for him. So I hired a loafer who was hanging about the mews, and set him to the w .

y young policeman wot asked me wot I meant by it. He told me to get off 'ome quick, and actually put his 'and on my shoulder, but it 'ud .

the door, but he had hold of her wrist, and she sank once more at his feet, with a low sobbing cry. "I'm an old woman, now," she cried, .

cers of justice," I remarked. "Perhaps he was found coming here with a rope in his possession," said Pedro; "or perhaps he was deceiving .

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