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doubt and irresolution. CHAPTER XVI A GRIM JOKE A week later Leicester was still in London. He had removed from the little hotel to whic .

you cease going to her father's house?" Leicester laughed. "Because her father has ceased to invite me," he replied. "Do you know why? I .

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iosity which prompted me to listen. It was probable that he was going to tell me some lurid incident of Lassen's past, and it was just a .

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k I can." A strange smile passed over Ricordo's face. "Yes, tell me," he said quietly. "I cannot marry you, because I promised I never w .

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ce of shooting him. The possibility of this served effectually to prevent me from again falling into a drowsy state, and I believe it wa .

in any stage of minority, is left in the hive. The bees very soon find themselves destitute of the means of propagating their species, .

e star which had before guided us. Either clouds had obscured it, or a mist had arisen, or my eyes were growing dim. My father was press .

and opened the paper and the neatly-tied box within, to find, as, after reading the label, he had expected, that the contents consisted .

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nkle in his shrewd gray eye, began as follows: "Jedwort I said his name was; and I shall never forget how he looked one particular morni .

. --`E cosa subito fatta; conosco il capo degli arsenalotti, e colui mi saprà benissimo accontentare. --Ma prima fa di darne avviso a t .

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