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. PREFACE. It appears to the writer of the following pages, that a work of this description is much needed in our country. The cultivati .

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d north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a hernshaw." The man nodded and smiled again, and passed away. There .

r battles. As for Leicester, he sat unmoved amidst the shouts of sympathy. To him it was bitter mockery, and ghastly tragedy; but he mas .

ates at _from 15 lb. to 20 lb. per acre per annum_.[96] FOOTNOTES: [63] The total amount of nitrogen in the air has been estimated appro .

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it was a lonely man on horseback. He was too far off, standing as he was in shade, for me to distinguish his dress or appearance. He see .

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, I stopped to look at it. It was that of a white man. Several ghastly wounds were seen on the broad chest, and another on the head. The .

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