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y in love; she only wished to be. The doctor and the curate were both fine, manly fellows, to either of whom she would have been willing .

ro fermarsi molti gruppi di persone per gettar qualche occhiata alle finestre illuminate dell'appartamento dove la Ginevra alloggiava. A .

at is if he cares to exert himself. I tell you Leicester could be a great man, if he only had the motive power." "But we need have no fe .

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ch direction, and what to avoid. For Death, familiar as it was to him, was not without its terrors. He was so young, and, as it seemed n .

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ord will not be broken, though I shall be sorry to part from you," I replied. "But the Indians are defeated," urged Don Gomez. "Am I to .

He walked along as he came to prison like a prince, and heeded not the shouts and revilings of the mob who followed him and his compani .

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No woman is ugly who is well dressed."_ SPANISH PROVERB. _For the apparel oft proclaims the man._ HAMLET. _I believe in dress. I believe .

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