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the Indians may have rallied and cut off the Spaniards," he answered. "Yet I do not think that they will have had the courage to do so. .

ine di giovare l'impresa, e con quello alcune lettere che lo assicuravano esser imminente l'ora che tra Leon X e Carlo V sarebbesi fatta .

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anged, and this speech was followed by a curious mocking laugh which ran through Salis and made him shrink; but he recovered himself dir .

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CULIARITIES. _"Eccentricity may be harmless, but it never can be commendable; it is one of the children of that prolific failing--vanity .

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the Confradia. I followed to see the end of the ceremony. After passing through a number of narrow and somewhat dirty streets, with the .

ssentially _technical_ experiments. For this reason their results possess, and will always possess, a peculiar interest for every practi .

itrogen famine. It is incidental to the use of certain nitrogenous substances in the manufacture of various articles, and to our present .

" "That's nothing but just," said Winfield. "But how are you to get an introduction?" said Sprague. "Old John Castlemaine is very partic .

he son of a drysalter, and early devoted himself to the study of chemistry in the only way at first at his disposal--viz., in an apothec .

ations 237 Composition of different kinds of straw 238 _Loam_ as litter 239 _Peat_ as litter 240 Comparison of properties of _peat-moss_ .

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era lungo sul nudo legno, immobile, calmo, ritto come se facesse l'esercizio, cinto così strettamente ai fianchi che pareva avesse il c .

si sarebbe assai confortata vedendolo; ma continuava il Lautrec: --Se ti spaventa di dover morire, parla. Il rumore nelle anticamere in .

rant coward, and that no man in all Berlin would be less likely to do what you did this afternoon; or could have done it, in fact. The B .

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