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el mio paese; e se non fosse stato una terribile sventura, terribile davvero, amici miei, che impensatamente venne ad assalirmi e che pe .

ghts which had surged up to his brain. He was horrified. For, in spite of medical teaching, of his thorough command over himself, and of .

laimed to Gale, "just tear off the sleeves for me; they will serve for bandages." With a seaman's promptness he did as I proposed, and w .

had brought her. Was the train late? Well, not as bad as last time. She wondered how soon they would cut her hair. After a little while .

sed him, and he lifted the lanthorn, crossed to the sleeper, and held the light to his face. "Asleep!" he muttered, returning to the gre .

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f certain constituents, but also on their chemical condition--_i.e._, whether they are easily soluble or not. It further depends, as we .

ndo frequentate non sono favorevoli al nostro segreto, possono esser due, o pel Tirolo o per la Svizzera; ma ciò dipende troppo dalle m .

dly aware of Evans waiting to undress her, but stood still in her bedroom, as she had stood in the hall, staring blankly in front of her .

redesse sfuggir così alle ricerche della moltitudine. Il cuore gli voleva scoppiar sotto il giustacuore. Per buona ventura non accorse .

rage prevailed in his day, he would have had the solid vote of the apple-women for any office he might aspire to." Aaron Burr clearly un .

but little. During those years I lived in the East, I learned to believe in a God; but it was a God of terror, a God that seemed to con .

heard?" "You have denied nothing--and no, Mr. Leicester, even if I loved a bad man, I would crush that love--that is, as you have been s .

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