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Motor-men don't know much about the hunting field, as a rule, but I wasn't such a ninny that I supposed men hunted in July. "Hunting, d .

my senses. Good heavens, you're on fire!" she exclaimed in alarm, as she wrapped her hand in her cloak and pressed it against my side ex .

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an obscure one. The great difficulty in deciding it, as has just been said, lies in the fact that ammonia salts, when applied to a soil, .

osse del cocchio, veniva a toccare e a strofinare il raso delle sue vesti, promoveva in lei quello schifo di chi sente il tatto di cosa .

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dhood in Cornwall, and had not forgotten some of the Cornish expressions. "This is beautiful tea," said Leicester presently. "Iss, ted'n .

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ver our heads, driven from their long accustomed homes. "It won't do for us to remain here much longer," observed Ned. "Ask the young Sp .

resto, quanto mi avete voi chiesto non è cosa che significhi un sacrificio, nè credo che ci sia alcun merito nel protestarvi, io mi v .

l never be, Hartley. Leo will never marry as we wish." "I'm afraid not," said Salis sadly; "and the more I think of it, the more it seem .

e meadows. Just below her window was an old rustic summer-house, covered with clematis and jasmine; a little more to the right, in the a .

ty yards from the big iron gates I got off my seat and prepared for business. "You're really sure that you mean this, miss?" I asked her .

rning her wild, utopian, and unpractical scheme. Difficulties, however, did not turn her aside from her purpose, and in her arduous labo .

of the large green, at least twenty yards from the hole. He made no remark, but moved aside for Sprague to play. "You've got your chanc eclipse rcp windows icon Square, and I came up to see if you know anything about it." "Of course I do, constable--very good of you, though. Tell them it's all r .

nine yet neat in his double-breasted blue serge with a pearl in his black tie. He took her hand and beamed down upon her as if many thin .

voi coperto di tali vesti, che faccian tacere ogni scrupolo; oggi possiam star l'uno in faccia all'altro, liberissimi di noi e della vo .

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seemed ill and over-excited?" "Oh, yes," cried Mrs Berens, as Mary tried to lie back perfectly calm, but with her eyes glancing rapidly .

, gran'fa--or what?" "He! he! he!" chuckled the old man, as Dally screwed herself round and gazed eagerly in his face. "Here, gently, ge .

rabile al mondo, ma che, fino ad oggi almanco, è qualche cosa assai meno di niente, e non si può dire non siasi data attorno con fatic .

I've been busy with--other things." Bryant laughed. "What _is_ the meaning of this postponement of your marriage, Leicester? Did you kn .

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