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st not be on two sides, Leo, my dear," said the brother, smiling, but with a troubled look on his face, which seemed the reflection of t .

: --Dov'è il duca? --`E disceso in questo punto, eccellenza. --Disceso? Aveva la cappa? Aveva la cappa, e lo accompagnava l'uomo di cam .

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e. On either side of them rose steep, precipitous cliffs. At their feet a moorland stream gurgled its way to the River Linden. "Winfield .

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ways." He walked back into the drawing-room, and, without closing the window, went up to where Mary sat, waiting in an agony of suspens .

ignore di Perugia. Nella stanza ov'ella a quell'ora trovavasi, v'era il massimo sfarzo degli addobbi e degli ornati dell'artistico cinqu .

get Osborne would send the local newspaper to her, and she would read that---- What a thin veneer his so-called reformation was, and wha .

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up on the bridge to suggest we should sink the clothes. We made them into two parcels, put some heavy stones in each, and I sunk them u .

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s; near a little thicket they call the Pike Wood. We're to be there about nine. I explained everything to him, and of course I've pledge .

one else of note been staying at the Grange?" "In a way, yes. At least she thinks he will be of note. Indeed she describes a very strik .

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terly as a child, till sleep came to relieve my misery. I must not dwell on the anguish I felt on waking--the utter wretchedness of the .

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