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Fainted!" North hurried back into the room, to find Mary Salis lying back, white as if cut in marble, while her sister stood gazing at .

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e da colui che veglia su tutte le umane cose... Ma di ciò a suo luogo e tempo. Sicuro adunque che fu il Morone della buona volontà del .

loro aspettazione con un contrapposto estremamente crudo. Ma essendo costretti a non dissimulare il vero, faremo almeno come chi, recand .

Intorno al collo aveva un fazzoletto bianco avvolto senza cura, indossava una breve cappa di sajo, e, ciò che più dava nell'occhio, er .

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amations of annoyance, surprise and joy,--often dangerously approaching to "female swearing"--as "Bother!" "Gracious!" "How jolly!" Yawn .

was lying with his eyes half closed, thinking about his last meeting with Leo, of the coming of the doctor, of their encounter, and of .

s hesitation. "But why is he coming here?" "Oh, a Mr. Lowry, a sort of local magnate in the neighbourhood of Taviton, wishes to see me o .

to young and old alike. There was something pathetic, as well as heroic, in their candidate overcoming his grief to be with them in thei .

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