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odo tenendola fuor de' pericoli a cui ella non poteva per nessun conto intervenire, appagava tuttavia il desiderio di lei, che era quell .

d and the squire's third cigar were finished, and a certain amount of liquid refreshment had been consumed as well. Then Cousin Thompson .

bout the woman who had drawn him there, he came to an awkward silence. His father kept on smoking, as if waiting for a final statement. .

edue ad un medesimo fine, ed ora, come gli eroi della tavola rotonda, godiamo nel rammentarci a vicenda le nostre passate imprese; però .

was heard. North uttered a sigh. "They are coming," he cried, "and I shall be too late. Loose my arm-- loose my arm!" "No, no, no!" pan .

"No, sir." "Then he is not very bad. I mean no doctor?" "No, sir; no doctor." "I didn't mean solicitor, Mrs Milt," said Cousin Thompson, .

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long pause. "Well?" he said. "Well what?" said Lydia, who hadn't been able to think what she was going to do. "Will you be civil, or sh .

asked sternly. "At the Thornes' house--you know, there's a Miss Thorne who lives there--the daughter of old Joe S. Thorne." Then, seeing .

utte gli si ridussero in mente, quasi le avesse scritte sul libro de' ricordi. La sensualità aveva fatto scattare una molla, e una subi .

di arene, cominciò un momento a sferrarsene, ed ebbe finalmente la consolazione di poter entrare nella contrada delle Case Rotte e di m .

wn her personally. Cleopatra was considerably over thirty when Antony fell under her spell, which never lessened until her death, nearly .

tz, know him?" "Never set eyes on him before, and there wasn't the least need to tell him a word about you. But that's the fool all over .

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there and left him stranded. Poor beggar, I wonder who he is?" He went down again and looked at the gruesome thing lying there. He lay .

h the result that the lamp was extinguished after candles had been lit. Leo went to her room, and Hartley Salis performed his regular ta .

o, io non sarò già quello che ti contraddica... a me basta che tu viva illibata e sicura, e considerando che, anche diviso da te, per .

that evening, but it was a party eminently chuckable--that is to say, she was going to please them rather than herself. Anyhow, she woul .

uld not distinguish his body on the ground. The head and shoulders of a man were, however, seen in the waters of the river, and he was s .

nders bones such a valuable artificial manure. Altogether, phosphoric acid occurs in the animal body to the extent of 2.3 per cent. Ther .

anto hai tu adesso sul nudo palmo, tanto io possedessi allora, che forse non avresti avuto a sentire il duro rifiuto di quell'uomo spiet .

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