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on Greek epigrams, or crassly dilating on the intricacies of a parliamentary debate. It was said of Madame Récamier that she listened m .

plaster wall, and ended by yawning loudly and extinguishing her candle. Then softly opening her window she sat down by it to enjoy the .

his scorn of conventional beliefs. In a way, moreover, he was liked. While repudiating accepted morality in theory, he was in many resp .

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CULIARITIES. _"Eccentricity may be harmless, but it never can be commendable; it is one of the children of that prolific failing--vanity .

s'acconciavano a sopportare qualunque insulto fosse lor venuto dalla Francia; eran corpi, altra volta poderosi di gioventù e di bellezz .

the fair-haired children of the North; and from the love and respect with which they regarded us, I believe they associated us in their .

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tto nella direzione di alcuni suoi pensieri. A un tratto la sua attenzione si fermò sulla folla che si era ristretta in un sol punto de .

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them. Masks were torn off and hastily concealed, dresses were changed, and the block and axe, and all the things connected with the rep .

e all this big place and a large income, and I nearly nothing." "That's right," said the squire; "abuse your father." "I don't abuse my .

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