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h-pitched rasping voice, squinting at me, when his customer went out, cursing him for the smallness of the amount he had received for th .

public, because the despised Indian does so. The Peruvians, in their love and admiration for this plant, used to pay it a religious res .

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I am a desperate man. No, no, do not think I have been simply attracted by a beautiful face. I have been seeing beautiful faces any time .

e arrive at the town of San Pablo, you will be tried and shot as a rebel." "Before I have been found guilty?" I asked. "I fear your guil .

e quel vituperevole silenzio tuttavia continuava; il Mandello intanto, ferito nella parte più sensibile dell'animo suo: --Stolido ch'io .

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n silence among the general's body-guard. Every man in the army seemed to be talking at the same time. They were, I found, boasting to e .

la novità del caso e l'ammirazione per tanta bravura aveva eccitato tutti gli spettatori, era stato manifestato il desiderio che i due .

've been seeing a friend--my solicitor--in town about North's affair with his cousin; we'll work the two together, and if Mr Thompson do .

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o examine the whole scheme of life. Its pattern could hardly be more hideous than that of every day. What was she? What reason had she f .

itrogen of the air was the source of the plant's nitrogen. As, however, no direct experiments could be adduced to prove this theory, and .

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