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e, the old adage is going to be proved. Every dog has his day, and this dog is going to have his. How many times have you lent him money .

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t taken the trouble to contradict idle gossip," he said. "I did not think it worth while. Besides, I did not mind what people believed a .

e parimenti rivolta all'Adda, un'altra numerosa cavalcata. Eran le sei famiglie milanesi nominate dal conte Crivello. Molti uomini a cav .

teva andare più oltre, o almeno ella non lo seppe. Era stato troppo vivo, troppo forte, troppo santo il primissimo affetto ch'ella avea .

s, however, he spoke again. "It is kind of you to have pity on a lonely man," he said, "ay, and one who is a stranger, grown old before .

ato; per la qual cosa, fra quella moltitudine d'uomini d'arme nacque gran curiosità di sapere chi fosse e cosa volesse. Ma quando le si .

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s he'd rather do even that than be shot," was the retort. It was cruel, but effective; and after a few more words her mother gave in and . io ci verrò nullameno. Da due anni a questo dì mi si è ingrossato il sangue maladettamente....e mi dice madonna, che que .

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