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en what's the good of going there, if you're not invited?" "Oh," says she, more sweetly than ever, "I think they'll be glad to have me i .

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cion, there seemed to be only one conclusion. The dear little lady was more grieved than angry about it. "I'm very sorry for Nessa reall .

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potuto vedere viso d'uomo che le desse piacere, giacchè anche il seguito dei servi era stato assortito con una saviezza non comune. In .

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aid the curate quietly. "No; I didn't hear anything about the stream," said the doctor. "I went up and found him swearing at one of the .

un'altra circostanza accrebbe ancor più quell'avversione che il giovinetto aveva per Francia. Venuto re Luigi in Milano per la seconda .

e quali, a motivo delle porte tutte chiuse, parea venissero da lontano. Tutti rimasero atterriti guardandosi l'un l'altro in faccia, e p .

the bow. We did so, and placed ourselves by his direction along the bottom. A stroke of his paddle then turned the canoe round, and we .

y Indian friend, that I had forgotten that the Spaniard had been hurt. Pedro was kneeling by his side, and supporting him with a look of .

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large floating contingent ready for this duty, and also--to use their own expression--"to have a go at any think;" and upon several occ character chart template t to say, but she had lost control over herself. "I've been very busy--that is, I've been finding out something." "What?" "I've been mak .

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in loneliness and in silence. Yes, and she wanted to speak to her father. Was this a sign that she did not really love him? It was diffi .

eglio ancora degli altri, non mancarono di far qualche rimostranza; ma il medico Bonnivet aveva informato d'ogni cosa monsignore di Lesc .

ly under her breath. I hurried her across the intervening field, and as we reached the other side of it, the man at the gate called to u .

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f it were the merest trifle. I must have done it pretty well, for even Nessa, who had been overwhelmed by the news, was surprised and pu .

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