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I will take the head; you the feet." "What! lift him out, doctor?" "Yes, man, yes. Don't waste time." Moredock hesitated for a moment, .

e happiness the woman he loved found in it. For her it was a rehabilitation of the family, the first dawn of those better times she had .

atters turned out as they did, I was almost glad that I had not bought it; but among the letters which Mr. Sackville brought down to us .

a maggior parte dei gentiluomini soleva ancora a que' tempi recarsi dovunque a cavallo, il cicaleccio di quel migliaio di palafrenieri c .

d old tarnished coffin handle dimly reflected the light in its ancient niche. The old man gave the end of the coffin a rap with his knuc .

to s'arrestò... atterrita s'arrestò, come se una voce cui non le fosse possibile disobbedire, d'improvviso le suonasse minacciosa e fa .

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the brightness of the Grecian dawn so clearly that the emancipated mind had an open way. Then something happened--how, who can tell? The .

. Isn't my sweetheart grateful to his Popsy-wopsy?" I chided in a sort of Mantalini manner. "Oh, blazes! Let me go, will you?" "But thin .

the first step towards his salvation. "You have no doubt, no fear, Olive?" he said. "No," she said quietly, "not one. I believe you, I .

aso, su quell'imbrogliata quisquiglia di carte che aveva sulla tavola, e soggiunse poi subito: --Quasi mi scordavo di ciò per cui t'ho .

. Pray forgive me. I could not help feeling a little bit anxious about my cousin." "I haven't got nothing to forgive, sir," said the old .

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f his arms were paralyzed. He did not dare do what he had imagined himself doing--crushing her to him whether she consented or not. He s .

alking excitedly to and fro. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN. WHAT DALLY WAS DOING. "I feared it," said North, as he returned from the bedroom, where .

e of the Countess's absence, he got me here on the pretence of a message to be given to her, and then---- Ugh! I can't speak it;" and sh .

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