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dear, things seem to be very awkward, and I don't know how to set them right." Volume 2, Chapter XI. AN INTERRUPTION. Other people, too, .

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tears in his eyes, that his duty compelled him to pack me off to gaol. That's the worst of Teutonic sentimentality. It's pretty much li .

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y temper as you have done; and it's better to smile." This was like petrol on the fire. "Just what I should expect of you--to see nothin .

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d he left the room. "Tell me," said Leo, as soon as the door closed. "How was it? Was there any quarrel? It was an accident?" She spoke .

f it is not put down with an iron hand, it will not be safe for a well-dressed person to be in the streets. My own wife and daughter, on .

ay of escape, and to reach it I had to stand on the men's bodies. By this means I succeeded in getting a grip on the side of the doorway .

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adford had adopted were not popular. His opponent won the seat. Again he was embittered, again his pride was wounded, and the habit whic .

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