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and her blackcurrant eyes gave a malicious twinkle. "Oh, how I should like to know," she muttered to herself, as she left the room. "It .

isogna ch'io parta, bisogna ch'io parta! Temerei di offender Dio, dispererei del suo perdono, non avrei mai più pace, mai più, per tut .

intings by a master hand: all of which his twinkling eyes seemed to appraise and catalogue at a glance. "Yes," he said, smiling softly, .

amenti e con lagrime.... La commozione in lui, forse per un certo presentimento che l'avvisava che non sarebbe tornato mai più in quel .

going on in the honest, philanthropic breast before her. A few minutes afterwards Mrs. Galton offered her the treasurership. Lydia was o .

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the doctor's breast as to what at different times had been the pursuits of the old sexton, as he saw him take the singular-looking tool .

d, gently; "we must see that your aunts do not starve, at least for the present." "You'll have to give up your investigations and labora .

ro il senso, a poco a poco gli si svolsero innanzi con evidenza. Quell'offerta che gli faceva il Lautrec di battersi seco, nel mentre po .

r impetrare la grazia del pontefice, per cui essendo ella nota alla maggior parte, e come figlia dello scaduto signore di Bologna, e per .

nce, on the night when she stole out of the Rectory and ran across the meadows, she had no difficulty in the way of the plan she had des .

dell'oleandro, o gli azzurrini della mesta viola. Ella passeggiava, accompagnata da una sua confidentissima fante, pensando agli applau .

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ht I'd run over just to consult you." "Not ill?" said North, in a voice full of anxiety, but only to supplement it with a sharp, back-ha .

I shud be shaamed to look 'ee in the faace, ef I wos to taake yer money fer a drop o' milk." Leicester laughed at the woman's vehemence. .

ound, a piece of about thirty-five feet long being marked off to form the canoe. All day we worked at it, one man at a time being statio .

gave, as the waning moon always does, the effect of being a strange, unfamiliar celestial visitor. O'Bannon, like so many strict support .

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