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ck hands, showing lighter palms, plucked at the coverings. "Delirious," said Lund. "Serves him right. He's a rotten cook." "Have you all .

him a cruel, savage joy; that morning even he had gloated over the thought of his revenge; but now all was different. Suppose he had his .

money, and I shall have plenty when I'm up at the Hall." "Toe be sure, Dally. Toe be sure. Ay, but you are a clever gel!" "Then, look he .

, nay. Wine's all right--locked up in the cupboard," croaked Moredock. "They've stole your surplus, sir." "Impossible!" cried Salis, giv .

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Stung into action by the feeling that this woman was cruelly wronging and disgracing brother and sister, he rose from his place, took ha .

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part of the younger generation. Mere age, he saw, reduces the complexity of desire, but renders it single and intense. Whether his fathe .

enza superstite. Fin qui la di lei virtù arrivava, perchè gli atti esterni dipendevano della sua volontà.... ma i moti dell'animo com .

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houlder. "Give him my love and tell him he ought to have been here sooner." "What do you mean?" shouted Harden. "He'll know," I yelled. .

d advised. "I don't know what more I could do," said Salis, wrinkling his brow. "I suppose I do neglect the parish entrusted to me by my .

asty term for that in the army." "You always mean such a lot when you speak in that casual tone of yours," she exclaimed. "Of course, if .

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re was any one who could see me to the frontier." "You didn't suggest me?" I broke in. "Really, Herr Lassen! Do you think every English .

d. If my husband were but here! Oh, they would not insult me then--even if you were my husband, Britten." Upon my life and soul, I belie .

ted them as the Irish priests treat their flocks. Metaphorically given Tom Candlish the stick. It was your duty, sir, and there's an end .

of the place, North, for you are my hated rival." "Hartley!" said Mary reprovingly. "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed the doctor. "Jealous. Never mi .

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