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nd then go sadly back to his study--where Mary sat with him--to give her such news as he had to bear, and join with her in watching and .

or who has to submit to an operation. It is not simply that the prospect of recovery is enormously enhanced, but Listerian surgery has d .

n this way it is wellnigh impossible to say. What it amounts to under certain definite circumstances has been discovered by actual exper .

put the engine right." Nita had much better have held her tongue, was my thought. "I was awfully perplexed about it myself afterwards," .

n ci sarebbe male, pure non basta. --Come non basta? --Converrebbe trovare il modo che tutti avessero a trovarsi già ben lungi di qui, .

with Mary and the old housekeeper seated by him, the lamp being shaded and placed where the light could not trouble the patient; and, af .

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the blood-stained conqueror of a race who had given him no cause of offence. He laid the foundation of the city on the 8th of January 15 .

e essere fermata dall'eccessivo splendore che riboccava dalle finestre appunto di quel palazzo, talchè pareva quasi fosse tutto quanto .

a quando, sotto strisce biancastre, mostrandosi tra i neri nuvoloni, rivelava lo spettacolo del mare, d'una tinta affatto nera, chiazzat .

nto the house. "I suppose the mare's quite safe," he said; "and it pleases her. May take her attention off him. Poor Leo! It is very sad .

re il momento è buono,--ed io quantunque sapessi che mi sarei trovato tra quella maledetta peste di Francesi, che ammorbavan l'aria di .

nward. The great aim seemed to be to seize the Inca. Several of his chiefs perceiving this, seized his horse's bridle, and endeavoured t .

is is the Nazareth Hospital in Rotterdam. You were brought in by the fishermen who found you in the sea when the _Burgen_ went down." I can you eat edamame on the cabbage soup diet ave been our wedding-day? You know that I came to you with Winfield. The man Sprague had sent you a letter about me. Well, the letter wa .

anything broken?" The doctor raised his eyebrows, and could have replied "his neck," but he said simply: "Bad, sir? Can you not see tha .

iacchè se falliva il primo colpo, si sollecitavano con ciò i soccorsi dell'Imperatore e del papa, i quali parevano tardar troppo a ris .

partito oramai che attirasse di preferenza la sua attenzione e il suo amore, e se pure continuava a seguirne taluno, era assai più per .

ter than ever, and her rigid stay-bone gave a crack, but she obeyed; while the doctor went down to where Salis and Mary were anxiously a .

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