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d so much with honest indignation, I suppose, that the fastenings nearly flew off. Good-bye, Mrs Berens. Oh! pray shake hands, ma'am. We .

llo tutti quanti. --Questo lo so. --Se poi fioccheranno denari, domani, prima dell'alba, si uscirà. --E se i denari non ci fossero? --S .

and sheet. They entered the beginning of the fog, curling wisps of it reached out, twining over the bowsprint and headsails, enveloping .

e owe not only to other people but to ourselves; a duty to make ourselves better in every respect than we are. Indeed, the true spirit o .

ad meant what she said. She had been in prison about three months when one morning word came to the kitchen that she was wanted in the r .

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is country, to address you. Moreover, I want, in your name, to assure him that we are all anxious, not only to welcome him as our future .

he mob soon tumbled to this and things began to look ugly. The old lady, scared to death and ill, was on the verge of collapse; the daug .

he old sexton shook his head and went to his locked-up chest, in which, with a good deal of rattling of keys, he deposited the doctor's .

as she had been when we had met first. "I try to keep my head above water, you see," she said, to account for her good clothes, no doubt .

almly taking the place of reprover instead of being reproved; "but try a pipe, parson. Worth a dozen cigars. Stop a moment, sir, I wants .

s a meadow, where Pedro had led our mules to feed; and we had, besides, found some Indian corn, which we had given them; so they were in .

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ris, and thank God for it," he exclaimed, rising to go up to bed; "if she were here in Brigenz to-night, I wouldn't give sixpence for my .

the discharge of a dozen muskets close to their faces. Many fell; the rest attempted to retreat, and were precipitated to the floor belo .

il saliscendi.... Si trovarono così in quel punto faccia faccia a un dito di distanza.... I labbri stetter muti, le persone immobili. I .

speculating builder at bay. It is true he had built many workmen's cottages--cottages which reflected credit alike upon his heart and up .

ale non doveva esser nuovo, la prese pel braccio e la trasse con sè. La chiamata del padre e la presenza del gentiluomo, sebbene non fo .

gain, unless the fortune of war should bring us together on one of the fronts, when I shall be pleased to tell you the name of the 'desp .

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