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conclusive experiment that all the products of vegetables were capable of being generated from water. The details of this classical expe .

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unboat, vomiting black smoke from her funnel, foam about her bows. "We'll beat 'em yet," he cried. The next shell, with more elevation, .

n. When he was about twenty-four he altered his opinion for a time. He fell in love with a girl who fascinated him by her wit, her beaut .

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ay add, with more gratitude; for it certainly was the means of preserving my father's life as well as mine. Ithulpo had taken the precau .

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"Oh, of course! You're a judge or something like that, aren't you?" Was the man a little deaf? "Something like that." She noted that tr .

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e dignified, middle-aged head of the firm, whose business was like an ancestral religion to him, hardly knew his clerks by sight. "It is .

mpallidì; ma quanto fu vivo, tanto fu breve, e oscillando disparve poi affatto. I due amori, il vecchio ed il nuovo, stettero un istant .

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o signore. --Taci, Gliceria, e non turbarmi l'anima con preghiere che non mi è concesso d'esaudire; finchè rimarrò in castello, a nes .

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That is the English fashion, eh?" and he laughed quietly. "Have you a handicap?" asked Sprague. "A what?" "A handicap. That means--well, .

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