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ly theories of plant-nutrition. The most elaborate investigation of the composition of humus has been carried out by Mulder. According t .

ve known of that horrid vault." The chief, notwithstanding these remarks, ordered his men to go and look for the dog; but as he showed n .

ould at that moment have thought of him as a happy man. And yet, although Sprague and Purvis did not know it, Leicester had entered the .

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rough which he disappeared, and closed it silently after him, having first drawn up the rope. Again going below, I met Jose, and told hi .

re short in stature, and had swarthy complexions and long black hair, without any beard on their chins. They wore a long frock without s .

case. Re"election might be rendered impossible. Albee thought to himself that Lydia would forgive a slight exaggeration of the bond bet .

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remind them that the Cordilleras and Andes which I am describing are an extensive region, the passage over which requires not only days, .

h avoided his. "No nonsense, Leo, my dear. No grumps. Give me a good, honest kiss. Lips--lips--lips." She raised her face in obedience t .

ve a certain duty to perform in connection with my two sisters--a sort of paternal role to play, and consequently I am rather afraid of .

e door to open it. A dim twilight now faintly filled the hall, showing the curate's figure framed in the doorway. Then he stood aside, h .

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