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Tragic or not, she was curious to hear what had happened at the Pulsifers'. She wanted Eleanor to come and lunch with her. No, Miss Bel .

inking, do I? Oh, I'm all right enough!" Salis looked at him aghast once more, just as if he had been indeed drinking; but his friend's .

hat and was actually turning away when she caught him by the sleeve. His arm remained limp, almost humanly sulky, in her grasp. "I've ne .

great operation. Nasty wretch! How he does glory in great operations!" "It is his love of his profession," said Mary quietly. "Too enthu .

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"Tell me--the truth." "Well, doctor, it didn't do for young Squire Tom to be dessicating my church." "You had some other reason." "Well, .

of whom stared pretty hard at me; surprised probably to see a man of military age in civilian clothes. I did not take any notice of the .

Mrs Berens, evidently does not want me there." "But ought you to study that, Hartley, when your friend is ill?" "I have thought all thi .

for a storm in that wooded region was an event to be avoided, and walked as fast as we could over the soft ground towards home. We had .

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andata. Allora i due campioni, e tutti quanti trovavansi intorno a loro, si volsero per domandare licenza al governatore, trattandosi d .

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the man--she felt more inclined to laugh at him. But this man who hadn't touched her, left her feeling outraged, humiliated--because sh .

osa, e penetrando nei pensieri di lei, credette bene di prevenirla. I vostri desideri saranno appagati, le disse sottovoce guardandosi i .

ious. The lively conversation of the smart lady and the gallant cavalier is cut short, the donkey-driver with uplifted arm ceases to bel .

o that the last juror can hear you. No, don't look at me. Look at the jury." Thus admonished, Miss Wooley raised her faint, liquid voice .

anything broken?" The doctor raised his eyebrows, and could have replied "his neck," but he said simply: "Bad, sir? Can you not see tha .

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