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ded. "He may be a bit put out, but I'll explain that it was my fault entirely. He reckons to be over in about an hour," I said as we ret .

y, nay. I'll hang about outside." "Yes, do," said North, who seemed relieved; and he turned down the lamp to let Moredock out. "I shall .

pen to me, telling me to write my name. I had expected some such test and took hold of the pen clumsily and, with infinite apparent trou .

ono al tutto inetti a qualunque occupazione richieda uno sforzo della mente e della volontà. Le dolcezze e gli svagamenti della vita ha .

tocchi accelerati e continui.... dan dan dan dan dan.... campana a martello in duomo; poi di lì a poco, più libero, più aereo, più m .

veral visits there in later years." "I did not know that," I said, pricking up my ears. "He loves to talk of the country and the people, .

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onsidered the flirtatious tone of the conversation. She could hear--in fact she listened--that several meetings had been arranged before .

dvice" had gone home. "Is what that man said true? Did you advise him to ask me to marry him?" the emphasis strongly on the "advise." I .

tting the case sympathetically before them. They listened without a word, the girl's face trembling and twitching slightly. Ruby had joi .

volta dove son certi di trovare buona parte de' loro concittadini. Quando costoro siensi stanziati altrove, tutti vorranno affluire a q .

presto in Porta Romana. Le case lor fuggivano d'innanzi; finalmente apparve la cima del gran pioppo di S. Giovanni, co' suoi rami secchi .

d then, and he generally does it with a sharp stick." He glanced as he spoke at Leo, who sipped her tea and read a novel, without appare .

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't know; and you caught me in the very act of prying into that place there. If you hadn't fired up a bit, it wouldn't have been natural. .

o a little sandy bay, where we landed, and threw ourselves down wrapped in our cloaks, to obtain some rest. Scarcely was I asleep when I .

Perhaps a minute, perhaps two. If you could get a rope, Lal----" "I'll stop a car," said I--a madder thing was never said, but I had to .

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