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Purvis, whom I played the golf with, they did not look either poor or tired. But perhaps they know you--they spoke as though they did." .

of the day in our house; you see the men are free then and their cares are over. My father is very particular about dinner, but it is t .

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lled vices soon become public property. Of course," he went on, "you will talk with her about me." "Why should I?" "Oh, you will. You wi .

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n 'Soils and Manures.' In order to render the work as intelligible to the ordinary agricultural reader as possible, all tabular matter a .

dge still enjoyed talking, still insisted on rounding out his sentences; but she felt now no impatience. His reminiscences interested he .

k him into the house and then brought him across the fields to us. I was making great play with the hammer when they reached us. Whether .

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ll, took down his hat, reached a stout cudgel-like stick which his hand gripped firmly, as his nerves tingled, while his left hand clenc .

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den hut that served as a railroad station, and Lydia stopped the car. "I suppose it's silly, but I wish you wouldn't say that--that I'm .

ndians, or even the Creoles; and would much more readily give their daughters in marriage to a poor countryman of their own than to a ri .

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