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oung ass, and shied at it; so at last the engagement was broken off until, as she put it, I "had given up the idea of lounging and loafi .

of horse-hoe husbandry. This theory, he informs us, was suggested to him by the custom, which he had noticed on the Continent, of growin .

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pastured in the churchyard. But he has to send they sheep right t'other side o' the county to sell 'em. Folks 'bout here wouldn't touch .

RULE X. ON PREVENTING THE DEPREDATIONS OF THE MOTH. All such stocks as are infested with the moth, will manifest it as soon as warm wea .

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perder tempo vai a Rimini con lei. Colà bisognerà bene che provveda con tutto il tuo senno a mettere in ordine le cose di quella citt .

gestion of mercy or pity to be seen there. When he arrived at Vale Linden, however, he had assumed his old manner of cynical melancholy, .

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