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ver our heads, driven from their long accustomed homes. "It won't do for us to remain here much longer," observed Ned. "Ask the young Sp .

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life--his reason--is in peril. Go!" "My friend; the man that poor broken-spirited creature loves," muttered Salis, as he hurried away, .

al power. He was very nice looking, tall and heavy in the shoulders. He was turned three-quarters from her as she made her diagnosis. Sh .

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correct. BEACONSFIELD. * * * * * "'I am busy, Johnnie, and can't help it,' said the father, writing away when the little fellow hurt hi .

, I could see nothing but a mess of trouble ahead; and I was only too conscious of how big the danger to her would loom in her German-di .

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m waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. He squinted so curiously at Nessa that I feared he suspected her sex. "My name's Glocken," .

en digging a grave." "Not often, parson; because one never hardly gets a grave to dig. I have had a pipe sometimes when my chesty has fe .

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anti, amici cari, che mi vorrebbero dieci anni di lavoro e di vita allo stecco, per rimettermi così sulle ginocchia, chè in piedi già .

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